Monday, March 31, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Beaching it again

Sadly we had to go back to school today,and Jacob did the big shoe drama thing were he walks all the way to school saying he hates his shoes,Mr perfectionist hasn't had to wear his school shoes for 5 days and just wore his crocs over Easter so it was a shock having to wear them again,luckily we can just scooter to school and leave mum to deal with Jacob.Mum wondered if there was someone in the family that hated shoes so much when they were little.Anyway after school we watch TV had some burgers and then went to Tahana beach for a swim,I practiced my skim board moves,while Hayden and Jacob boogie boarded and then we had a sand fight.We saw a awesome cloud and it looked just like a sherpards pie((my favourite dinner) to me ,mum re cons i have a brilliant imagination.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Nana Ona

This is our other Nana,she has been traveling alot lately,she has just been to Egypt with Aunty Angela and she went on a camel ride,we think she must be very cool to ride on a camel when she is a Nana.

Our outing with Nana

Today we took Nana out to the Washington gardens to see the ducks and begonias , then we went to Rabbit island.It was great having Nana to hang out with us she was impreesed with our swimming.

Happy Birthday Alex

Today Uncle Rob ,Sue and Alec came for lunch it was awesome we played really well,we went to the school on our bikes and had lunch,then gave Alec a cake for his birthday next week and presents.We had a swim at the pool.

The Murder House

Nana arrived on Wednesday night .I had to go to the dentist she told mum she use to call it the murder house im not keen on the dentist now!!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hello, Nana

Dad brought Nana back from Christchurch it was awesome to see her,we have been busy taken her to places like the Market and showing her our new school,we have also been having lots of visitors like, the Myttons and Hailey and Geoff and the Wellzys.Today we had lunch at Jed and Maxs new house,it was nice to visit the country and see our old friends.Easter bunny bounced in to our house last night,and dropped off eggs at the end of our beds and we gobbled them up before mum had a chance to take any photos.

Monday, March 17, 2008

My first Tryathalon

It was AWESOME,i also got a photo with Hamish Carter and the weetbix man.

Congratulations Deryn

I want to be just like my sister when i grow up,and graduate from university.We are very proud of you Deryn,plus you look a little bit like someone out of Harry Potter.Matt

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Soccer,ripper,roller hockey,cricket,camp,and the list goes on.....

My life rocks at the moment firstly mum and dad have finally let me join roller hockey after a year of trying to convince them(sometimes my persistence pays off!!!),i went to open day and signed up ,i even got to play a game.I have also signed up to play rugby for Nelson this year, i am playing soccer for Tahuna on Wednesday night,ripper rugby for Tahuna on friday night,and cricket on Saturdays for Tahuna.I have just been to teapot valley for three days for school camp,it rocked ,we had awesome food,home baking and did so many activities like Archery,wall climbing,confidence course,flying fox,orienteering,waterslide,the bucking bronco(i stayed on the longest and won),indoor hockey,maze,gym,top team events and heaps of eating.Also we had free time and went on walks.The teachers wanted us worn out and they sure suceeded.Dad was a camp dad and everyone thought he was cool.He had us very organise and we had the tidiested bunk room so we got extra play time.We also had the most empty plates.I have heaps of new friends that live around me.MY friend Caleb came over today and we made a bow and arrow with bamboo with dads help.